Vol. 5 No. 8 (2008): The Rajasthani Epic of Pābūjī - A Preliminary Ethnopoetic Analysis - By Heda Jason

					View Vol. 5 No. 8 (2008): The Rajasthani Epic of Pābūjī - A Preliminary Ethnopoetic Analysis - By Heda Jason

A preliminary attempt is made to set the Epic of Pābūjī into classificatory schemes used in ethnopoetic research: (1) the system of genres; (2) the epic biographic tradition; and (3) epic and folktale content types. This preliminary attempt to set the Rajasthani vernacular epic into the classificatory framework of oral literature considers three classificatory frameworks: the genre of the work; the epic biographies of first- and second-generation protagonists; and the correspondence of the content of scenes and episodes to established epic and folktale content types.

Published: 2008-12-01